One of the laureates of the Parisculteurs in 2017, a call for projects launched by the Mairie de Paris to green roofs, terraces and virgin land in the capital, Designing Hope was entrusted with the greening of the roof of the kindergarten of the Bercy school in Paris 12 to set up an educational garden for the school’s children.
In 2021, La Traversine will break through the school’s wall and take over a plot of land in the adjoining Villiot Rapée residence to set up an open-ground garden open to the children of the neighbourhood.
In 2022, Designing Hope will also accompany the vegetable garden project in the kindergarten’s “oasis” courtyard for weekly activities with the children during school time, and will organise activities in the vegetable garden located at the back of the elementary school courtyard with the after-school care workers.
[Traversine], a name that symbolizes a gateway towards other cultures, as a North-South “agri-cultural” exchange.
La Traversine Bercy

Located on the roof of the Bercy school in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, this terrace, although originally intended only to serve as a passage in the event of an evacuation, has now been transformed into an experimental and educational garden. Designing Hope conceived an urban vegetable garden gathering several approaches to sustainable agriculture (agro-ecology, permaculture), which are already implemented by the association with children in Burkina Faso, South Africa, Swaziland, and Senegal.
By using the program “Communicating Classes” chosen by the Bercy school, and the equipment of relay classes in Africa, the activities around La Traversine encourage the exchanges of experiences, and add value to the activities that are carried out in the garden.
Composition of the garden
Animations program
By using the program “Communicating Classes” chosen by the Bercy school, and the equipment of relay classes in Africa, the activities around La Traversine encourage the exchanges of experiences, and add value to the activities that are carried out in the garden.
Playful activities for children, organized in small groups during the extracurricular time in collaboration with the educational team, echoe with those carried out in the schools that are located in the other countries.
We approach various themes: the soil, the seed, the cycle of life of a plant, the compost, the auxiliary insects, the methods of culture.
We raise the children’s awareness of the valorization of the school’s resources for the fertilization of the garden (the composting of leaves, branches from the courtyard’s trees and food waste from the canteen).
Finally, we encourage them to try some plantations at home, if they have a balcony, or if they have access to a garden somewhere with a family member, encouraging them to recycle, compost, and giving them seeds or plants, as we do in Africa.
In September 2020, after “taking flight” on the rooftops of Bercy, Designing Hope “roots” its presence and installs a new garden, Traversine #2, in the ground this time, in the back yard of the elementary school.
A garden of proximity, animated each week by a team of activity leaders who work for the association.
A pedagogical treasure hunt has been set up by the association to animate this garden every week.
In September 2020, after having taken flight on the roofs of Bercy, Designing Hope was obliged to temporarily move the garden to the ground floor, at the back of the elementary school yard, in order to allow the roof of the building to be waterproofed.
This presence in the courtyard has strengthened the links between the after-school team and the Designing Hope association’s civic services team.
A treasure hunt has been designed by the association to animate this garden.
The return to the roof is planned for 2023.
Ce projet a été construit avec le soutien de :
La Traversine Villiot

In 2021, Designing Hope has been entrusted by Paris Habitat with the management for 4 years of the development and the animations of a green space of 300 m2 located in the heart of the Villiot-Rapée residence.
The objective is to make it a place of life and discovery of biodiversity and nature for the children of the residence, but also occasionally for young visitors from the neighborhood. Children from the Paris Amin’ Center in the neighbourhood, from the Bercy nursery and elementary schools, and from the neighborhood daycare center are welcomed to participate in nature-related discovery activities (land art, mime, outdoor theater) and to help maintain the garden.
A Mandala, a vegetable garden designed in the shape of a flower, evolves with the seasons and the contributions of the children. A vegetated teepee is a playful space for children. Growing trays, decorated with metal supports to encourage vertical cultivation, are placed in the sunniest part of the garden.
This project was set up with the support of:

Click below to contribute to the management of this garden
(Fundraising on Hello Asso)