Since 2011, Designing Hope has been developing educational gardens in Southern Africa to raise awareness among children and their families about farming practices, agro-ecology and permaculture.

The association encourages the creation of family vegetable gardens using permaculture, a practice that is developing in South Africa.
This approach offers a solution for guaranteeing access to balanced even for the most disadvantaged people living in townships where the where space for cultivation is limited.
The initiative began with the promotion of ‘Door gardens’, small, door-sized gardens, to encourage families to grow food without using without the use of chemical inputs. The emphasis was then on setting up composts to recycle green waste and enrich the soil.

Finally, the ‘One House One Garden’ programme has enabled the most disadvantaged families to start their own vegetable garden.

The garden of Silethithemba, Roosboom, South Africa

Created in 2007 by the association Designing Hope, this day-care centre for orphans and disadvantaged children is located in the township of Roosboom, on the outskirts of Ladysmith, in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.

The children are looked after after after school, receive a hot meal every day, and are offered early-learning activities as well as educational support and awareness-raising on a range of issues.

The Ivory Foundation and Designing Hope have included the Half Way House in their programme to develop educational gardens to teach children and their families about agro-ecology and permaculture.

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Outdoor activities at Halfway House in Roosboom, South Africa

The Halfway House is a place for children to relax and enjoy themselves after school every day. They can enjoy outdoor games as well as board games inside the house, in addition to the daily meals they are served.These happy … Read More

Garden maintenance with the children of the HalfWay House

The children from the Halfway House work on the vegetable garden with the centre’s gardener and two carers, Lulu and Fisani.

Seedlings with children at Roosboom

The children at Halfway House in Roosboom are taking good care of their seedlings, taking turns watering them every day. There’s still a few days to wait before they can be planted in the vegetable garden…

Maintenance of the greenhouse at Half Way House in Roosboom.

The greenhouse is an important part of the garden at HalfWay House in Roosboom.  It allows nurseries to be set up sheltered from direct sunlight, and protects certain crops from invasions of locusts and grasshoppers.  The children also help the gardener … Read More

Children of Roosboom take care of the flower shape Mandala garden

The children at Halfway House and the centre’s gardener take great care of the flower-shaped Mandala vegetable garden.Before winter, tagetes, cabbage and spinach remain on the petals.

The Silethithemba team dressed by the Garden of Skills sewing workshop.

Fisani and Lulu were able to try on their work jacket and trousers made by the team at the Garden of Skills sewing workshop in Eswatini. The made-to-measure workwear bears the logo of the local association that runs the Halfway House in Roosboom. A … Read More

Preparing the beds at Roosboom

The beds in the garden at Halfway House in Roosboom have been redesigned by the gardener in charge of the kitchen garden. They are now ready for spring planting, and to benefit from the arrival of the first rains after … Read More

Game about the vegetables at Roosboom

Children enthusiastically play the games developed by Dessine l’Espoir around vegetables from the kitchen garden. These fun and educational activities enable youngsters to discover the world of vegetables in an interactive and entertaining way. Thanks to these games, they learn … Read More

Outdoor play at Roosboom

The children at Roosboom enjoy playing outside on the large lawn at Half Way House after lunch, while others water the garden with the centre’s gardener.

Vegetable life memory game at Rooseboom

The youngsters at the Half Way House in Rooseboom were able to try out the new game launched by the association, which completes the transgardens catalogue for educational games in all the gardens run by Dessine l’Espoir and The Ivory … Read More

Barbecue at the Half Way House

Every day, the Half Way House in Roosboom welcomes between 45 and 60 underprivileged children from the Roosboom township. To mark the presentation of the games donated by the Apprentices of Auteuil, a barbecue was organised to complement the daily … Read More

Preparation of new growing beds at the Half Way House in Roosboom

A new gardener has just joined the team at the Half Way House in Roosboom, which is run by Designing Hope. Together with the two women who manage the centre, they are preparing new growing beds for the plants prepared … Read More

Garden maintenance at Ladysmith

Every day, the children look after the vegetable garden at Roosboom, helping the women in particular with watering and tending the beds. The cabbages and spinach are harvested to accompany the meals served daily at Half Way House.

Planting with children in Roosboom

The greenhouse at the Half Way House in Roosboom, expanded with the help of the young farmers from St. Monica’s Farm in Lesotho, can now accommodate more plants, protected from the sun’s rays and from the birds and grasshoppers, which … Read More

Eswatini baskets for the hens at Roosboom

As part of the exchanges between the various gardens in southern Africa, straw baskets made in Eswatini were given to the children of Half Way House in Roosboom to equip the henhouse. The hens quickly adopted the baskets as nesting … Read More

Extension of the greenhouse with the young people of Lesotho

In Southern Africa, Designing Hope and The Ivory Foundation strive to forge human links between the actors of the different projects they develop and support.  In 2017, the women of Eswatini and Roosboom came to train in permaculture the students … Read More

Fitting out the interior of the Roosboom greenhouse with the students from Lesotho’s deaf and hard of hearing school

After completing the structure of the greenhouse in the Roosboom garden, the team of gardeners from St Paul’s School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Leribe, Lesotho, took charge of the interior of the greenhouse, using a grid … Read More

Roosboom’s garden

While new plants are being prepared in the nursery, the Half Way House coordinators take care of the vegetables grown during the winter. These accompany the dishes on a daily basis served to the children at the Silethithemba centre.

Roosboom’s cabbages

The Roosboom Silethithemba reception centre Designing Hope’s local partner in South Africa, has harvested beautiful cabbage to feed the children of this underprivileged township. Good food in prospect!

Life continues in the garden at Roosboom, South Africa

Despite Covid-19 having slowed down the garden’s activity last year, the children and women of the garden enjoy the products of their crops. Thanks to the milpa technique, which consists in simultaneously growing corn, climbing beans and courgette on the … Read More

Maintenance of Roosboom garden

Zanele, Lulu and Fisani look after the Half Way House in Roosboom as if they were at home, children like those of a big family. The Roosboom Haf Way House is a little paradise in this underprivileged township of Roosboom.After … Read More

The Milpa culture of Roosboom

As part of the Roosboom garden’s educational programme, a plot of Milpa combining maize, climbing beans and courgettes has been set up. This technique of cultivation on different levels optimises the production of vegetables on a reduced surface area: the … Read More

Preparation of new cultivation beds

At the “Half Way House”  in Roosboom, a home opened by the association @designinghope for orphans in this disadvantaged township in South Africa, the garden is used to produce fresh vegetables for the meals served daily to the children. This … Read More

Children from Roosboom visit the garden

Every day, 40 orphans from the township of Roosboom are welcomed at the Half Way House of Designing Hope, a centre where different activities are offered to the children for 2 hours after school. T hey receive a hot meal, … Read More

Distribution of meals during lockdown

Roosbom’s “Half Way House” has adapted its functionning to the sanitary measures implemented in South Africa. A non-contact thermometer was purchased to check the children’s temperature before entering the center. The children can still benefit from a complete and healthy … Read More

Summer is coming at Roosboom’s gaden

In November, temperatures become warmer in South Africa. It is therefore an opportunity for the gardener and the women who are in charge of the garden to involve the children of the center in harvesting the last winter vegetables and … Read More

Meal preparation at the Half-way House

Today, on the menu, a vegetable and spinach sauce from the garden and an egg from the henhouse to accompany the rice! The youth could enjoy their lunch in the open space “Thebe Magugu”, the South African creator and sponsor … Read More

Maintenance of the garden with the children

A small change in the organization of the Half Way House in Roosboom, the women, who were previously employed part-time to prepare meals for the children, are now there full-time, and take care of the garden the rest of the … Read More

Maintenance of the garden by women in Roosboom

Following the departure of the gardener in July 2020, the three women who look after Roosboom’s children at half time, wished to take over his job and share the activity of maintaining the garden. They look after the garden 2 … Read More

Life in Roosboom during the lockdown

During the lockdown difficult times, the children were not able to go to the Half Way House. However, life is still active there! Masks were ordered to the sewing group for themselves and for the children of teh half Way … Read More

Roosboom’s garden in winter

In July it is winter in Roosboom. Temperatures can drop as low as 5 to 10 degrees at night, but remain comfortable (15 to 20 degrees) during the day thanks to the strong sunshine (winter is the dry season). Perfect … Read More

Roosboom team

3 women and one gardener run the Half Way House in Roosboom every day. In the morning, Lulu, Fisani and Zanele are also in charge of a home base care mission for HIV-positive patients living in Roosboom, entrusted by the … Read More

Thebe Magugu’s visit in Roosboom

The South African fashion designer Thebe Magugu, went to Roosboom to visit Desining Hope’s Half Way House in February 2020. He discovered the outdoor exhibition of his creations photographed by Aart Verrips on scarecrows, in the open fields. This exhibition … Read More

Distribution of meals at Roosboom

Each week, Dessine l’Espoir organizes the delivery of meals for Roosboom’s children with a wholesaler located in the neighboring town of Ladysmith. Roosboom only has a few small convenience stores, in fact unsuitable for buying wholesale groceries (rice, oil, canned … Read More

Roosboom greenhouse

A large covered greenhouse was installed in Roosboom to accommodate the seedlings of the vegetable garden. Unlike greenhouses that we are used to seeing in European gardens, what is most important in southern Africa is to protect from the sun … Read More

The scarecrow the Half Way house

On the occasion of the photography exhibition organized in Paris to the benefit of Designing Hope, featuring the creations of the South African stylist Thebe Magugu on scarecrows, we proposed to the children of Roosboom to be inspired by Thebe’s … Read More

Improvement of the Roosboom’s Mandala

Roosboom’s mandala has taken on curves! We have undertaken to redraw the petals, both for aesthetic purposes, but also to increase its cultivated area. A work carried out with the children of the Half Way House.

Dance around the mandala…

The Mandala becomes a place of creation for children from different countries involved in educational garden projects…  The children of the Half Way House in Roosboom, adopted their own, and prepared a choreography around the petals of the garden…  

Biodiversity library in Roosboom

50 books about biodiversity, gardening, environment, nutrition, biodiversity, were purchased by Designing Hope to enrich the Half Way House library with the financial support of the A&A Ulmann fund. Books for all ages, to discover while having fun for the … Read More

The establishment of the henhouse

In order to improve the nutrition of children, and with the support of the A&A Ulmann fund, a an abandoned local has been rehabilitated to accommodate a chicken coop with 40 laying hens. The room was covered, and secured with … Read More

Roosboom spices

Designing Hope added natural spices (Moringa powder, kurkuma, curry, etc.) to its monthly deliveries to replace the chemical condiments that are very popular in Africa. New recipes were adopted by the women who are preparing food at Roosboom Half Way … Read More

Harvesting Moringa

Moringa is both a fertilizing tree (which fertilizes the soil and the plantations that are made around its roots) and an important source of vitamin, thanks to its foliage. Moringa seeds are therefore harvested to plant new trees in the … Read More

Watering planks

Every day the children of Half Way House help gardeners water the garden.

Preparing the soil for sowing

A mixture of potting soil, topsoil and biochar was made with the children to do the sowing in the greenhouse.

Construction of a greenhouse for sowing

An elongated greenhouse was made with the gardeners at Roosboom’s Half Way House to prepare the seedlings. A green shade was preferred to a plastic cover, to avoid excessive heat and to protect young plants from the sun, that can … Read More

Save water in the garden

Designing Hope encourages the preservation of the water resource. The washing of vegetables and hands is done in a basin, and the recovered water is used to wash the vegetables. Half Way House Roosboom, Ladysmith

Mandala of Roosboom

The children of Roosboom took part to cultivating new vegetables on the mandala of the garden. Spinach and salads plants have been planted, replacing tomatoes that have been harvested.

One House One Garden at Rosboom

Each month, the gardeners of Silethithemba are responsible for setting up a vegetable garden in a disadvantaged household in the neighborhood, affected by HIV. The beneficiaries take part in the installation of the garden, if their state of health allows … Read More

Evolution of Chaya Cuttings

In the space of 2 years, Chaya’s 20 cm cut has become a real bush (right in the photo), which provides leaves for cooking, and can be generously duplicated itself for other projects. This month, cuttings were sent to South … Read More

Installation of a compost

After several months of throwing organic waste in the garden without organization, the children of the Half Way House decided to follow the advice of comics on permaculture and created a compost pile in the garden.  

Implementation of the “One House, One Garden” program in Roosboom

In Roosboom, near Ladysmith in Kwazulu Natal, Designing hope started with local NGO Silethithemba the project “One House, One Garden”. Every month, one family with poor background is identified and the NGO helps financing and setting up a fenced garden, … Read More

Building a henhouse using recycled materials

Canned red beans are used for the daily meals cooked to the children of Roosboom. The children were asked to retrieve the empty boxes, flatten them to form a recovery material to make the walls of a henhouse. Women then … Read More