Transjardins follows the educational garden created at the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou by APAF Burkina, with the support of The Ivory Foundation.

Yagma, Burkina Faso

On a 4,000m2 plot of land, entirely deserted around the school, and with the support of The Ivory Foundation, an agroforestry vegetable garden was set up in 2017, with the support of APAF Burkina Faso.
The aim of this garden is to change the environment of these children, by providing them with a pleasant, green working environment, while raising their awareness of this innovative farming approach.

The children are also the first direct beneficiaries of the project, as the garden provides vegetables for the canteen. The garden has become a real reference point in the neighbourhood, a model of successful sustainable agriculture in an area that is notoriously dry and devoid of vegetation. Thanks to their efforts, the association has succeeded in creating a green plot that has not only improved the local environment, but has also served as an inspiring example for other similar initiatives.

The Ivory Foundation ended its support in 2024, due to the difficulty of monitoring the project for safety reasons, and considering that after 7 years of support, the project could be self-managed by the school.

A project funded by The Ivory Foundation and developed with APAF

  • Discover below the last posts from Yagma !

New growing beds at Yagma

The gardeners at Yagma have put in place new planting beds following the end of the rainy season. The seedlings planted in October and November will benefit from a milder climate to reach maturity before the very hot weather starts in March.

Seed production in the Yagma garden in Burkina Faso

Gardeners at the Yagma school have set up a nursery using seeds supplied by Agrosemens. The seeds are intended for seed production, according to a protocol developed during regional training organised by The Ivory Foundation with its seed partner Agrosemens in Senegal. The seedlings were … Read More

Extension of the canteen at Yagma school, suburb of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The canteen at Yagma school was financed by The Ivory Foundation along with the surrounding agroforestry garden in 2017. This year, the Fund has financed its extension to provide the children with a refectory where they can have lunch sheltered from the … Read More

The importance of Yagma’s agroforestry vegetable garden in absorbing excess rainwater

In the Yagma school district, during the rainy season, the massive quantity of rainwater cannot be absorbed by the compact soil of the area, and runs off into pools that have formed in places in the middle of the city, encouraging the … Read More

Yagma under the winter rain

Every year during the rainy season, the Yagma district is flooded with water running down the dirt tracks.Real ephemeral rivers sometimes block the streets. The agroforestry garden at the Yagma school is shown in these photos as an island spared … Read More

Squash harvest in the Yagma garden

During the rainy season, the Yagma gardeners planted a combination of squash and maize in the school garden. Maize, which needs water, is particularly suited to this crop, and appreciates the companionship of cucurbits, according to the Milpa principle.

Maintenance of courgette beds in Yagma

The Yagma garden team prepared courgette and maize beds before the onset of the rainy season. Maize requires a lot of water, so this season is ideal for planting and growing it. Its rapid growth will enable it to be … Read More

Onion harvest in the Yagma school garden

The onion harvest was a good one at Yagma, and will be used to flavour the dishes served at the canteen. Every day, the school cooks process the vegetables grown in the school garden to prepare the meals served to the children.

Distribution of meals in the Yagma canteen

The agroforestry garden provides daily vegetables used for the preparation of meals in the canteen of the Yagma school. Peppers, onions, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage are cooked in a sauce to accompany starchy foods or mashed beans. A project supported since … Read More

The vegetable beds of the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

The Yagma agroforestry garden, on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, is in full production of various vegetables!The presence of the borehole installed with the support of The Ivory Foundation during the setting up of the vegetable garden allows … Read More

Maintenance of the Yagma school garden with the students

In the agroforestry garden of the Yagma school, located on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, the students are involved in the daily maintenance of the vegetable garden.  This garden, set up on a real wasteland with the support … Read More

The mandala in Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

The mandala of Yagma garden has grown well ! Plantations of corn, cucumber, pepper, and green bean were carried out on the 8 plates of cultures forming a flower.

Installation of mosquito netting in the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

After the chilli and pepper nurseries, the animators of the Yagma garden have set up a salad nursery. A mosquito net has been put up to protect it from possible attacks by insect pests.

Before and after vegetable gardens in the Yagma neighbourhood, Burkina Faso

After having followed the training in agroecological techniques at the Yagma garden, the women started their own vegetable garden, either in the open ground or above ground, depending on the size of their plot. One and a half months later, … Read More

Visits to surrounding schools to promote the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

The animators of the garden of Yagma visited various schools in the surroundings in order to promulgate the educational project of the garden. As in the Villiot garden in Paris or the Garden of Skills in Malanti, one of the … Read More

Sharing manure for women’s gardens in the Yagma neighbourhood, Burkina Faso

As part of the training of the Yagma women in agroecology techniques, The Ivory Foundation has provided garden tools and manure to enrich their respective vegetable gardens. Another part of the manure will be kept in the garden to directly … Read More

Training on growing beds in the Yagma garden with local women, Burkina Faso

For the women who have a large enough plot of land to start production in the open ground, the fourth day of training was devoted to the creation of growing beds. 19 women attended this session. Using the Yagma garden … Read More

Setting up an above-ground device in the Yagma garden: the example of used tyres, Burkina Faso

During the third training session on agro-ecological techniques financed by The Ivory Foundation at the Yagma garden, the women created above-ground cultivation trays using used tyres. They mixed potting soil and manure to fill the tyres, which were then converted into growing … Read More

Preparing fertile soil for the above-ground structure in the Yagma garden with local women, Burkina Faso

While waiting for the compost to be ready, the women made a fertile mixture of soil, plant debris and manure to line the metal containers of the above-ground structure during the second training session. This technique can be used by … Read More

Compost training in the Yagma garden with the women of the neighbourhood, Burkina Faso

For the first training session financed by The Ivory Foundation, the agroforestry technician working in the Yagma garden made compost with the women of the neighbourhood. The principle consists of digging a 3 by 1 meter bed to a depth … Read More

Crop rotation in the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

Thanks to the maintenance of the Yagma garden by the gardener and the young volunteers, the production of crops is regular and allows a rotation of the cultivated species. Indeed, the tomato, the local aubergine and the cabbage have come … Read More

First meeting with women from the neighbourhood for training in the agro-ecological garden, Yagma, Burkina Faso

With the support of The Ivory Foundation, the AAJY association, in charge of managing the Yagma garden, organised a meeting with women from the neighbourhood who were interested in learning how to apply the good practices of the Yagma garden … Read More

Reorganizing cultivated beds in Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

The gardener of Yagma had prepared two beds composed only of parsley plants. In order to maximize the use of space and to optimize the watering of the beds, we undertook to take out half of the parsley plants and … Read More

Varied vegetable production in the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

Despite the dry season, the presence of the borehole in the Yagma garden allows for regular production of different vegetable species. The salads and tomatoes prepared in the nursery were transplanted on several beds. Cabbage, squash, beans and maize plants … Read More

Participation of Yagma students in the preparation of the nursery

With the support of our partner agrosemens, we brought new seeds to start a new nursery in Yagma. The youngsters helped the gardener to sow peppers, aubergines and tomatoes in the clods prepared with the clod maker. Other trays were … Read More

Recycled trays in the garden of Yagma, Burkina Faso

Cultivating trays have been prepared using damaged plastic jerrycans. The containers have been cut in two to create two trays of 40 X 30 cm. These trays will then be placed on a three-tiered shelf that can be protected with … Read More

The clod maker, a new garden tool from Yagma, Burkina Faso.

A new tool was put into practice in Yagma, the clod maker which allows compacting the soil in a cube of 5cm of side in order to carry out seedlings without using plastic cups difficult to find locally. To do … Read More

The fertilizing trees in the Yagma garden, Burkina Faso

In 4 years, the fertilizing trees of the Yagma garden have grown enormously, some of them now measuring more than 10m high. In the principle of agroforestry, the trees are initially planted every 2.5 meters.  When they start to grow, … Read More

The living hedge in the garden of Yagma, Burkina Faso

One calls “living hedge”, the hedge which surrounds a garden. In agroforestry, the fence is doubled with a hedge of thorny trees to constitute a wall impassable by men and animals, which completely secures the garden. The hedge is composed … Read More

Vegetables from Yagma vegetable garden, Burkina Faso

Thanks to our agroforestry garden and it’s borehole, Yagma’s garden manage to have a very productive field even during the dry season. This is made possible by the water that is drawn all year round, even during hot weather, and … Read More

The end of the dry season in the Yagma garden

Since mid-October, it is the dry season in Burkina Faso. Rain is very scarce and temperatures are close to 40°C in Ouagadougou. Even though the rains are coming, it is still necessary to water the crops, here the courgettes, so … Read More

Preparation of the cultivation beds in Yagma garden

In the agroforestry garden of the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, pupils are involved in its maintenance and the preparation of the cultivation beds, which contribute to the improvement of their daily meals. This garden, … Read More

New season, new culture in Yagma

The agroforestry garden at the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso has been prepared for a new growing season. Cabbage has been favoured on these new beds, and it will enhance the meals in the canteen. … Read More

Yagma’s mandala

We took advantage of the recent extension of Yagma’s garden to install a mandala. This flowering garden is a common module in all our educational gardens. In this version, we have favored “basin” planters to retain water in case of … Read More

New cultivation beds

New crop beds have been prepared in Yagma! These have been set up at the foot of the fertilizer trees, allowing them to demonstrate their role and efficiency within an agroforestry system. In fact, in addition to improving the texture … Read More

Harvest of tomatoes, onions and bell peppers

The 68 crop beds in Yagma’s garden produced well in this month of September. The high temperatures (about 33°c) and humidity in Ouagadougou encourage rapid growth of vegetables, especially tomato and bell pepper plants. The women and the gardener in … Read More

Yagma under the rain

The implementation of an agroforestry system at the Yagma school proves once again its beneficial aspect! It is after a rainy episode that a noticeable difference can be observed between the plot and a soil devoid of vegetation. On the … Read More

The canteen of Yagma school during the Covid-19 pandemic in June

With the support of the Ivory Foundation, Yagma’s canteen has adapted its functioning to the sanitary measures implemented in Burkina Faso. The canteen was only able to operate for 3 weeks in June. Moreover, the new price of the canteen … Read More

Pruning of trees in the garden

The trees of the Yagma school plot have been pruned! In agroforestry, they fulfill many functions. Within the cultivation plots but also in general, they have the advantage of fertilizing the soil but also of providing shade for species in … Read More

Garden preparation with the children in Yagma, Burkina Faso

In the agroforestry garden at the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, students are involved in its maintenance. Indeed, they prepare cultivation beds that will contribute to the improvement of their daily meals. This garden, set … Read More

Collective participation

At the end of a school day, Yagma’s students go to the garden and participate in its maintenance and watering. Vegetables that will soon enhance their meals served in the canteen…

Harvests and new crops in Yagma’s garden

New crop beds are growing at Yagma as the latest harvest of peppers and zucchini has just been made. Cabbage boards, and Milpa boards, combining squash and corn.

Educational visit to the Yagma Garden

Several times a year, technicians from APAF – the Agroforestry Proposal Association, organize visits to the garden with the children of Yagma’s school. A training program has been implemented with the support of The Ivory Foundation.

Ready for new cultures

The cultivation boards are ready for new crops, in the shade of papaya and moringas in the garden of the Yagma school.

Visit of Yagma Garden after classroom training.

After providing classroom training at the Yagma school, APAF accompanies the students for an educational tour of the garden.

Garden extension

The Ivory Foundation has funded the expansion of Yagma’s vegetable garden this year to increase vegetable production to better meet the needs of the canteen. Behind the fence, a new hedge will be made of thorny and resistant trees to … Read More

Creation of a new compost

With a view to expanding the perimeter of the vegetable garden, a new compost was implemented for the Yagma school garden. A trench of 4x1m was made on 30 cm of depth to assemble by layer the compost ingredients: herbs, … Read More

It grows at yagma !

The installation of the well provides a more regular watering, which has a direct impact on the speed of growth of vegetables in the garden.

Installation of solar panels to activate the pump

The team of Energies sans Frontières intervened at the end of January 2019 to install the solar electric system to activate the pump. The solar panels are positioned on the roof of the school.

Live hedge around Yagma’s garden

Young acacia and other thorny seedlings planted around the garden are now offering a valuable protection that will soon replace the fence, and protect the cultures from animal that can sometimes wander around the neighborhood and alter crops.

New nursery at Yagma

Two cultivation beds were used as a nursery to prepare the plants to be transplanted in the garden. The tomato plants are ready to be transplanted!

Yagma – Installation of the water tower

Early January, the water tower financed with the support of Energies sans Frontières was installed in the garden. it will be powered by the pump, and connected to sanitary on the one hand, and to the ponds dedicated to the … Read More

Waiting for the canteen

The students are waiting for the opening of the canteen.

Papaya grow in Yagma’s garden

The Yagma Garden is an experimental agroforestry garden. Cultivation beds are lined with fertile trees, which enrich the soil as they grow and provide shade for the crops. Fruit trees such as papayes have also been planted to maximize yield … Read More

Watering the garden at the Yagma School

Every morning and every evening, Yagma students take part in watering the garden. Since the well installed by The Ivory Foundation and Energies sans Frontières is in operation, the water problems have been greatly reduced and the garden is in … Read More

A flowery garden in Burkina Faso

During summer, the gardener maintains the Yagma school kitchen garden. The peppers are covered with fruit. The trees are growing and will soon bring shade to the crops.  

The fertilizer tree of Yagma

Trees grow in Yagma’s garden! Fertilizing trees and fruit trees are growing and will soon bring shade to the garden!  

Drilling at Yagma Garden

In order to secure the water needs of the school and its garden, The Ivory Foundation has committed financially to the completion of a drilling, which was carried out in April 2018. This drilling was a real success because it … Read More

Yagma cantine

One of the main goals of Yagma Garden is to produce fresh vegetables for the daily meals at the canteen.

Drawings with the students of Yagma schools

The 6th grade students at Yagma School (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) prepared drawings to present their school, their district and their country to the children of the Bercy school (Paris). This activity tis part of exchanges between children in schools in … Read More

Garden vegetables used for canteen meals

In 2017, The Ivory Foundation funded the construction and running costs of a canteen for the school’s children. Meals are charged at a very low price to encourage families to offer this meal to their children. (75 FCFA, or about … Read More

Agroforestry in Yagma: First Moringa trees

In Yagma, the garden is flourishing! The first fertilizing trees begin to grow. Souleymane Traoré, the president of APAF Burkina, explains to the children how to harvest the leaves of Moringa to use them to flavor the meals, after having … Read More

The suitcase for Yagma school

La Traversine and Yagma School, two educational gardens, one in France, the other in Burkina Faso. These two gardens fulfill different functions; the former serves as a model garden for conducting educational activities on the theme of ecological agriculture while … Read More

The burkinabe “suitcase”

Transjardins brings together several educational gardens in France and Africa. in that context, exchanges have been put in place between projects, that share educational materials, animations, common educational games, on the theme of garden and nature, preservation of environment, and … Read More

Visit of Yagma garden

For the purpose of the communicating classes, the project trying to connect the Transgardens gardens all around the world, kids of Yagma school in Ouagadougou made a video, describing the garden and the everyday life  

Yagma garden, Season 2…

Yagma Garden just turned One year! This garden was set up by local NGO APAF with the support from The Ivory Foundation on the land surrounding the premises of Yagma School, in the suburb of Ouagadougou. It aims at providing … Read More

Yagma under water

The rainy season has arrived … The garden of Yagma was partially flooded, the garden very soggy.

First fertilizing tree seedlings – Yagma

The fertilizing trees are now ready to be transplanted onto the growing beds.

Fertilizer tree nursery

The compost was used and incorporated into the plots. The shaded hut and the trenches dugged for the compost will be used now as a nursery for the fertilizing trees. Plastic bags, filled with a mixture of soil and compost, … Read More

Plots are ready in Yagma garden.

The compost is now in the process of decomposition. In the meantime, the plots were dug and the soil loosened, ready to receive the compost that is now ready. In the foreground, we can see the first two plots dedicated … Read More

First growing beds at Yagma

The plots have been materialized on Yagma garden with metal stakes and string. Two were dug in priority to serve as a nursery for market gardening. Seedlings sprout are coming out.

Setting up water reserves on the garden of Yagma

While waiting for a well to be dug on the ground of the school of Yagma, the water of city is used for the watering of the garden. Since the distribution is rather random, 4 reserves have been installed to … Read More

Construction of a canteen in Yagma

The Ivory Foundation is committed to support the Yagma school in the outskirts of Ouagadougou. This project has two components: -An educational garden in agroforestry on a 4000 m2 plot nera the school buildings aiming at sensitizing young people and … Read More

Fencing the garden at Yagma

The preparation of the compost requires 45 days, with 2 turnings of the compost pile to activate the maturation process every 15 days. This period was used to prepare the plots: the APAF Burkina technician has delimited the perimeter of … Read More

Implementing compost at Yagma

The implementation of the activities linked to the project of creating an agro-forestry garden at Lycée Sainte Marie de Yagma in the outskirts of Ouagadougou, started with the support of The Ivory Foundation in March 2017. APAF Burkina, the local … Read More

Agroforestry by APAF in Burkina Faso

This film presents the action of APAF in agroforestry in Burkina Faso. APAF is a pioneer in agroforestry in West Africa, with knowledge of local fertilizer tree species helping to regenerate the soil, in association with organic market gardening, and … Read More