Transjardins follows the educational garden created at the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou by APAF Burkina, with the support of The Ivory Foundation.
On a 4,000m2 plot of land, entirely deserted around the school, and with the support of The Ivory Foundation, an agroforestry vegetable garden was set up in 2017, with the support of APAF Burkina Faso.
The aim of this garden is to change the environment of these children, by providing them with a pleasant, green working environment, while raising their awareness of this innovative farming approach.
The children are also the first direct beneficiaries of the project, as the garden provides vegetables for the canteen. The garden has become a real reference point in the neighbourhood, a model of successful sustainable agriculture in an area that is notoriously dry and devoid of vegetation. Thanks to their efforts, the association has succeeded in creating a green plot that has not only improved the local environment, but has also served as an inspiring example for other similar initiatives.
The Ivory Foundation ended its support in 2024, due to the difficulty of monitoring the project for safety reasons, and considering that after 7 years of support, the project could be self-managed by the school.
A project funded by The Ivory Foundation and developed with APAF