Washing vegetables

Designing Hope undertook an awareness campaign on water saving. The washing of vegetables can be a source of waste, when it is done with running water at the exit of the tank. The purchase of basins for this purpose by … Read More

Installation of a drip irrigation system on the mandala

A drip irrigation system has been set up on the petals of the Mandala of the Grand Potager. This irrigation system is particularly adapted to the shape of the Mandala, because it allows to irrigate the plantations without watering the … Read More

Water recovery from the micro-farm of Leribe

Gutters and a water tank were installed to collect the rainwater from the roof of the micro-farm. the tank was placed on the side of the greenhouse, and next to the future market gardening space, to recover water for watering.

Drilling at Yagma Garden

In order to secure the water needs of the school and its garden, The Ivory Foundation has committed financially to the completion of a drilling, which was carried out in April 2018. This drilling was a real success because it … Read More

Yagma under water

The rainy season has arrived … The garden of Yagma was partially flooded, the garden very soggy.

Macambeni – creation of a pond

Below the garden of Macambeni, a wet area offers accessible water for the garden. In order to facilitate the collection, a small staircase is dug in the slope of the ground, and a small pool allows the water to be … Read More

Setting up water reserves on the garden of Yagma

While waiting for a well to be dug on the ground of the school of Yagma, the water of city is used for the watering of the garden. Since the distribution is rather random, 4 reserves have been installed to … Read More

A desired water pipe!

Roosboom has been depending for years on a large tank of communal water, randomly refilled. This has led often to shortage of water, challenging the garden, specially during dry season. Designing Hope invested in a piping system to bring water from … Read More