This section presents actions undertaken by Designing Hope and The Ivory Foundation in Africa, where the vegetables produced in the gardens are used for the preparation of meals distributed to socially disadvantaged individuals or groups of individuals.

  • Below is a selection of articles published in this category:

Harvesting vegetables for hospital distribution

The women in charge of the vegetable garden at the Garden of Skills have picked a large harvest to add to the food baskets distributed to hospital patients. Fresh carrots and beetroot will join other vegetables and essentials bought in town for distribution to … Read More

Tasty dishes cooked by the farm’s youngsters

A local vegetable garden is planned to provide a variety of vegetables and herbs for their personal use.Until the garden is up and running, the vegetables have been bought from Levi’s Nek stores….

Barbecue at the Half Way House

Every day, the Half Way House in Roosboom welcomes between 45 and 60 underprivileged children from the Roosboom township. To mark the presentation of the games donated by the Apprentices of Auteuil, a barbecue was organised to complement the daily … Read More

Technical visit with the Agrosemens team to the Dawady garden

During the seed training course organised by The Ivory Foundation and Agrosemence, the women from the Dawady vegetable garden were given advice on maintaining their collective garden: watering, hoeing the plots, treating diseases with natural treatments such as neem oil. … Read More

Bissap harvest in Sentiou Maka

The women of the village of Sentiou Maka have harvested bissap leaves from their communal vegetable garden, which they will be cooking to accompany the semolina. This traditional plant is used both as a drink, by decocting the flowers, and … Read More

Seed meeting in Bala

The Ivory Foundation, in partnership with the French seed company Agrosemensand APAF Senegal to encourage the production of reproducible organic seeds adapted to both climatic conditions and the local market, while developing, with the expertise of Agrosemens, accessible tutorials adapted to … Read More

Lunch at the Halfway House

Like every day of the week, the children enjoyed a healthy and balanced meal at the HalfWay House. The meal consists of rice and a sauce prepared with vegetables from the garden. This nutritional support benefits about 50 underprivileged children … Read More

Egg harvesting

The farm’s 20 native hens produce a good quantity of eggs, enough to provide a food supplement for the youngs. Associating small-scale animal husbandry with gardening is important for the economic balance of the St Monica educational farm in Leribe. … Read More

Distribution of meals during lockdown

Roosbom’s “Half Way House” has adapted its functionning to the sanitary measures implemented in South Africa. A non-contact thermometer was purchased to check the children’s temperature before entering the center. The children can still benefit from a complete and healthy … Read More

Meal preparation at the Half-way House

Today, on the menu, a vegetable and spinach sauce from the garden and an egg from the henhouse to accompany the rice! The youth could enjoy their lunch in the open space “Thebe Magugu”, the South African creator and sponsor … Read More

Food distribution at the hospital

As every month, parcels containing vegetables and basic ingredients are distributed to support the HIV positive patients who need it most at Piggs Peak Hospital. The distribution plays an important role in helping the weakest patients regain their strength by … Read More

The canteen of Yagma school during the Covid-19 pandemic in June

With the support of the Ivory Foundation, Yagma’s canteen has adapted its functioning to the sanitary measures implemented in Burkina Faso. The canteen was only able to operate for 3 weeks in June. Moreover, the new price of the canteen … Read More

Distribution of food packages at Piggs Peak Hospital

Designing Hope funds each month the distribution of 30 “baskets” at the Piggs Peak hospital consisting mainly of vegetables, partially produced by Designing Hope at Macambeni garden, on the outskirts of Piggs Peak. These baskets are intended for targeted HIV-positive … Read More

Traditional meals using vegetables from the garden

Within the projects supported by Designing Hope, women are invited to cook vegetables from the garden during group activities. This is an opportunity to encourage families to improve their nutrition. At Fundzisa Live’ support group, the women take turns preparing … Read More

Food distribution in Macamabeni Creche

With the support of The Ivory Foundation, Designing Hope supports the Macambeni crèche, and improve the meals of its 20 disadvantaged children with vegetables produced in the garden. Depending on the season and the yield, a supplement is delivered every Monday … Read More

Distribution of meals at Roosboom

Each week, Dessine l’Espoir organizes the delivery of meals for Roosboom’s children with a wholesaler located in the neighboring town of Ladysmith. Roosboom only has a few small convenience stores, in fact unsuitable for buying wholesale groceries (rice, oil, canned … Read More

Distribution of food parcels

Like every month, twice a week, Fundzisa Live’s women distribute food parcels to the most vulnerable people at Piggs Peak Hospital.

First “One House One Garden”

The women of Fundzisa Live installed the first garden of the “One House One Garden” program. 25 beneficiaries have been identified and will be offered a 25m2 plot of land allowing them to develop a vegetable garden protected from raving … Read More

2nd “One House One Garden” in Eswatini

The women of Fundzisa Live have installed their second garden of the “One House One Garden” program. 25 beneficiaries have been identified and will be offered an enclosed garden of 25m2 allowing them to develop a vegetable garden protected from … Read More

The cantine of Leribe

The garden of the school for deaf and hard of hearing children from St Paul to Leribe provides the canteen with fresh vegetables, which serve as an essential complement to the preparation of meals.  

Roosboom, the Half Way House

In Roosboom, Designing Hope offers 35 children a relaxing afternoon and a good meal, after school. Dance, games, sports, creative activities, maintenance of the educational garden that also produces vegetables to prepare meals.     These children, from modest background, … Read More

Beneficiaries of the Piggs Peak Food Program

The beneficiaries of the Piggs Peak Patient Support Program were selected on medical and social criteria. A large proportion are women, as they still make up the majority of people on HIV treatment (women are required to be screened during … Read More

Distribution of peppers and spinach from the garden

This month, Macambeni Garden’s production was used to distribute peppers and spinach to patients at Piggs Peak Hospital, in addition to basics purchased from the supermarket and local producers.  

Vegetable Distributions to HIV+ Patients at Piggs Peak Hospital

Since 2005, Dessine l’Espoir has been supporting HIV-positive patients at Piggs Peak Hospital. For 13 years, the association has been distributing with the local relay of Fundzisa Live, snacks (sandwich and fruit) to the HIV patients of the hospital during … Read More

Food service at Macambeni Center

One of the goals of the Macambeni Garden is to provide fresh vegetables to complement the meals served to children at the Orphan Day Care Center in this disadvantaged neighborhood. Elderly women in the neighborhood are in charge of preparing … Read More

First harvest at Macambeni garden

The first harvest of peppers from the Macambeni Garden was offered to the Macambeni day care center in charge of the neighborhood orphans. Designing Hope and Fundzisa Live started the Macambeni garden with 2 objectives: – Provide vegetable for the … Read More

Yagma cantine

One of the main goals of Yagma Garden is to produce fresh vegetables for the daily meals at the canteen.

Garden vegetables used for canteen meals

In 2017, The Ivory Foundation funded the construction and running costs of a canteen for the school’s children. Meals are charged at a very low price to encourage families to offer this meal to their children. (75 FCFA, or about … Read More

Setting up the new garden – One House One Garden

In the context of the One House One Garden project, the occupants of the Half Way House helped during the construction of the new garden. Fencing, manpower and knowledge in permaculture, every month Designing Hope allows the establishment of a … Read More

One House One Garden – Establishment of a new garden in Roosboom, South Africa

As part of the “One House One Garden” program, Roosboom’s gardeners have set up a new garden on the outskirts of the center. Cardboard was used in addition to carbonaceous organic matter to compensate for the lack of branches and … Read More

Preparing meals at Roosboom

Daily, the women in charge of the Roosboom halfway house prepare meals for the children. Vegetables from the garden are used to cook the dishes.


Macambeni is the name of one of the most disadvantaged districts of Piggs Peak, a city in which Dessine l’Espoir has been developing activities since 2005.In 2017, the city hall of Piggs Peak has given to the association, the management … Read More

Construction of a canteen in Yagma

The Ivory Foundation is committed to support the Yagma school in the outskirts of Ouagadougou. This project has two components: -An educational garden in agroforestry on a 4000 m2 plot nera the school buildings aiming at sensitizing young people and … Read More

Feeding 370 children with permaculture garden in Swaziland

Since 2012, Designing Hope develops permaculture garden in Southern Africa, to help population becoming self sufficient. This video presents a garden in the isolated village of Bulembu, hosting an orphanage. This garden, developed by a team of 6 women trained … Read More

Harvesting vegetables for the children meals

Children can enjoy every day a hot meal that uses some fresh vegetables they grow in the pilot garden.

The garden of Laafi

In Koudougou, the Laafi Garden, made with the support of the APAF takes shape! 12 women from an association of HIV affected women , supported since 2011 by Dessine l’Espoir, operates this plot located on the land of the laafi … Read More