The keyhole garden is a culture technique from Africa.

It is mainly used in very dry regions or unfertile soils caused by erosion, as in Lesotho, for example.

This vegetable garden allows an important production of vegetables on a limited surface, while requiring less watering. In the central column, we pour water and drop off kitchen waste regularly. The compost formed slowly diffuses its nutrients and its moisture in the surrounding cultures.



  • Below is a selection of articles published in this category:


Installation of a keyhole of the Traversine Villiot garden

Keyhole of the Traversine Villiot gardenThe Traversine Villiot garden now has a new feature: a keyhole garden.It features a central composter, whose decomposing elements will feed the circular growing tray that surrounds it.This is a new educational space for the … Read More

The Keyhole of St Monica

Deaf and hard-of-hearing youngsters from St Monica’s farm water the keyhole. The Keyhole is a traditional garden from Lesotho. So it was very important that the garden at St Monica’s should also have this high circular vegetable garden. The perimeter … Read More

Transplanting spinach to the garden of la Traversine Bercy, Paris

The children of the primary schools of Bercy helped us to transplant in the playground’s garden the spinach which proliferated in the Garden of the Traversine-Villiot.  After digging holes in the enriched soil trays, the children planted the spinach plants … Read More

The compost of the Keyhole

Today, we give food to Keyhole…

A flowery keyhole

The Key Hole of the Grand Potager looks like a miniature of the garden of the Domaine de Fontenille … On this small surface, high, fed at its center by the compost of the kitchen of the restaurants of the … Read More

A cover for the keyhole

A metal cover has been placed on the Keyhole of La Traversine Garden. It prevents the dead leaves placed between the kitchen waste to fly away. It retains the moisture of the compost, while providing heat that accelerates decomposition. It … Read More

Keyhole from Lesotho

An example of a family Keyhole in Lesotho. In this mountainous country, stones are the basic material for all buildings. The keyhole, this small elevated vegetable garden, with central composter, does not escape the rule.

First plantations on the keyhole!

Seeldings are placed all around, and mulch is placed to maintain the moisture. The kitchen peels are placed in the center and covered with dry mowing. The keyhole is watered to ease the decomposition process in the center.

Making a Keyhole at the Grand Potager – Lauris

Making and filling a Keyhole. The Keyhole is a keyhole-shaped vegetable garden consisting of a central compost bin surrounded by raised beds. The Keyhole produces a large number of vegetables in a limited area, benefiting from the slow diffusion of … Read More

Keyhole preparation

This video shows how to prepare a key hole, using permaculture methods.  

Construction of the keyhole

This Keyhole was made of douglas pine and metal. The metal structure maintain the vertical boards durably, like the strapping of a wine barrel. Once the structure is assembled, the interior is covered with geotextile, to retain the soil, and … Read More

La Traversine – Construction of the Keyhole

The Key Hole is a traditional vegetable garden system used for small areas, especially in Africa. Often conceived in stones, a light version has been made for the terrace of the garden “LaTraversine”. The Key Hole of La Traversine takes … Read More

Keyhole in stones

The Keyhole is a traditional gardening technique used in Africa for small surfaces. Culture is done on a raised surface in the shape of a horseshoe, and supplied with nutrients through a central composting area. Earthworms are developing in the center, … Read More