Intensive agriculture, which was developed in the 20th century, characterized by the high use of chemical inputs, and the use of land as an element that must be maximized, has deeply weakened the environment. Moreover, it is now known that pesticides have a real impact on human health. This is why we are now seeing the emergence of different forms of agriculture that respect human and natural practices. Sustainable agriculture thus encourages the promotion and practice of an economically viable, healthy agriculture for a socially fair environment. It meets today’s needs (healthy food, quality water, employment and quality of life) without jeopardizing natural resources for future generations.

Among these approaches organic agriculture includes a large number of environmentally friendly practices. However, cultivating organic does not prohibit the use of certain chemical inputs and uses that are close to conventional agriculture…

Agroecology aims to establish sustainable food systems, while operating an ecological management of natural resources. Beyond practices such as composting, no-till or associations of crops, this mode of production takes into consideration better use of water, the fight against erosion, and reforestation.

Permaculture goes beyond a simple ecological farming system. This approach includes all aspects of daily life and connects all elements, including human beings, with each other. An important role is given to the design of the garden, which is created after a long period of observation and in which the different parts are placed so as to optimize the available resources, the space and the movements.

Agroforestry refers to practices involving trees, crops and/or animals. The presence of trees within the plots not only brings about a diversification of production, but also helps growing conditions, by participating in their protection, soil fertility, or the deployment of biodiversity.

The end of the dry season in the Yagma garden

Since mid-October, it is the dry season in Burkina Faso. Rain is very scarce and temperatures are close to 40°C in Ouagadougou. Even though the rains are coming, it is still necessary to water the crops, here the courgettes, so … Read More

Pruning of trees in the garden

The trees of the Yagma school plot have been pruned! In agroforestry, they fulfill many functions. Within the cultivation plots but also in general, they have the advantage of fertilizing the soil but also of providing shade for species in … Read More

Agroforestry in Yagma: First Moringa trees

In Yagma, the garden is flourishing! The first fertilizing trees begin to grow. Souleymane Traoré, the president of APAF Burkina, explains to the children how to harvest the leaves of Moringa to use them to flavor the meals, after having … Read More

Plants to protect the plots

In Lesotho, agaves are used as barriers to protect cultures from animals.

Le Grand Potager – Setting up the Mandala

As the autumn settles in the Grand Potager, the central part is being transformed … A mandala composed of 12 petal-shaped raised-beds around a tree of Judea appears on the ground. Traced using ropes and wooden sticks, the petals are … Read More

Fertilizer tree nursery

The compost was used and incorporated into the plots. The shaded hut and the trenches dugged for the compost will be used now as a nursery for the fertilizing trees. Plastic bags, filled with a mixture of soil and compost, … Read More

A comic explaining basics of Permacuture.

Designing Hope has produced, with the support of The Ivory Foundation, an illustrated brochure presenting the techniques of permaculture. This document addresses several topics, the creation of raised beds, crops rotation, crops associations, with a focus on milpa, compost… This … Read More