The goal of agroecology (agriculture and ecology) is to establish viable food systems while managing ecological resources. Beyond practices such as composting, no-till agriculture or crop associations, this mode of production takes into account better use of water, erosion control, and reforestation.

Pierre Rabhi :

A French-born peasant, writer and thinker of Algerian origin, Pierre Rabhi is one of the pioneers of ecological agriculture in France. He promotes a society that is more respectful of humans and earth and the development of agricultural practices accessible to all, especially the most deprived.

Since 1981, he has been transmitting his know-how in Africa, France and Europe, seeking to restore their food self-sufficiency to the populations. He is now recognized as an international expert on food security and has been involved in the development of the United Nations Convention to fight desertification.

Pierre Rabhi calls for the “insurrection of consciences” to unite what is best in humanity and stop making our planet-paradise a hell of suffering and destruction. Faced with the failure of the general condition of mankind and the tremendous damage inflicted on Nature, he invites us to step outside the myth of indefinite growth, to realize the vital importance of our nourishing land and to inaugurate a new ethic of life towards a “happy sobriety”.

Pierre Rabhi was at the origin of many structures, born of his own initiative or ideas: thus the association Terre & Humanisme (first called “Les Amis de Pierre Rabhi”), the Oasis Movement in All Places , the agro-ecological center ‘Les Amanins’, the Children’s Farm-Hameau des Buis and more recently the Colibris Movement. He has been invited to numerous lectures in the world, and has published more than twenty books including “Towards Happy Sobriety”, “Pierre Rabhi, Sower of Hope – Interview with Olivier Le Naire” or ” Agroecology, an ethic of life “(Actes Sud) and” The power of moderation “(Hozhoni Publishing).

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Seedling in the bioclimatic greenhouse of the Grand Potager

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Each year, parts of the garden are covered with a black plastic sheets to neutralize the growth of weeds. In an aesthetic concern, straw boots are used to maintain the plastic sheet flat on the ground.

Chickens and biochar

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Grand Potager – Preparation of the soil

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