Vertical farming modules aim at growing as many plants as possible on a minimum of floor space. Especially useful in urban agriculture or in small garden, the vertical crop structures have the advantage of reducing the quantity of water and limit watering time. Indeed the water poured at the top of these modules will also water the lower levels.

The trellis of the Traversine Villiot garden

The trellis at Traversine Villiot is now entirely covered with mulberry trees! Maintained in this way, they are developing rapidly, with stems reaching up to 4 metres! Enough to provide a shady passageway that is beginning to fill with fruit … Read More

The TIPI in the Traversine Villiot garden

The climbing beans sown last April on the Traversine Villiot tipi have reached the top in just a few months!The first flowers are starting to turn into beans! This species (from Agrosemens seed) produces purple vegetables that turn green when … Read More

Vertical culture in a teepee, a playful and practical tool at the Jardin de la Traversine Villiot, Paris

Our association made and installed a teepee in bamboo in the garden of the Traversine Villiot. It allows us to optimize the surface by using the principle of vertical culture. Squash, cucumbers and tomatoes grow around the tepee and climb … Read More

Installation of structures at the school in Rufisque, Senegal

The metalworker has finished making all the structures for the roof terrace garden at the school in Rufisque. The children, enthusiastic, participated in the installation of the plastic containers, which, once filled with soil and compost, will soon welcome new … Read More

The Grand Potager’s raised mounds

At the Grand Potager on the Domain of Fontenille, we tried out a raised mound technique, connected by a teepee giving inclined support to climbing beans and marrows, thanks to a weaving which was handmade with ropes. This green cover … Read More

The green wall of the Grand Potager of Fontenille

At the Grand Potager of Fontenille, the volunteers on civic service have laid out part of the covered pergola to create a welcoming space to house creative workshops during discovery visits in the garden. An experimental green wall has been … Read More