Birth of 2 lambs at Levi’s Nek farm
The sheep flock is growing! Two little lambs have just been born…Livestock provides a substantial income for the young residents of Levi’s Nek farm, thanks in particular to wool production.
Designing Hope has brought its expertise in Lesotho in a project funded by The Ivory Foundation and managed by the NGO Sentebale. This project is located in St Paul School, in Leribe, at the northern end of Lesotho. It brings together children from 5 to 14 years old, deaf and dumb from rural areas and from very disadvantaged backgrounds.
The Roosboom group supported by Designing Hope in South Africa has traveled to Lesotho to train the children to permaculture methods. Currently, a new project combines the two projects with the design of a cookbook inspired by traditional recipes using vegetables that can be grown locally.
The sheep flock is growing! Two little lambs have just been born…Livestock provides a substantial income for the young residents of Levi’s Nek farm, thanks in particular to wool production.
The young residents have started installing the automatic watering system. Connected to the pump, it supplies two circuits, one going to the greenhouses, again with a subdivision to water them intermittently, given the lack of pressure. The other circuit supplies … Read More
The young residents from the farm asked a neighbouring farmer to come with his tractor to plough the farm’s plot below the greenhouse. The horse was not called upon this time, as the work was too arduous, as these areas … Read More
Tsephane, the educational farm manager at St Paul’s School for the Deaf in Leribe, welcomes children from the school’s 4 classes twice a week for gardening activities. Each class looks after a plot of land, from sowing to harvesting.
The two 200m2 greenhouses set up on the Levi’s Neck farm provide an ideal space for market garden production.Over the winter, the youngsters planted exclusively cabbage, which will be sold at local markets in a few weeks’ time.In the spring, … Read More
The henhouse at Levi’s Nek farm provides an important source of protein for the young residents of Levi’s Nek farm by producing a large quantity of eggs. The male population is limited to a few units, so the roosters are … Read More
As well as cabbages, the young people at Levi’s Nek farm have successfully grown lettuce seeds supplied by organic seed company Agrosemens. These have adapted particularly well to the local climate.
To enrich the soil in the various plots cultivated on the farm, the young residents of Levi’s Nek went to collect manure from a nearby sheep and cow farm. At night, the animals are kept in a stone pen close … Read More
A heavy storm tore off the roof of the animal shelter at Levi’s Neck Farm. The roof structure has therefore been redesigned to better withstand the next gusts of wind, frequent in the region. The Ivory Foundation immediately sent the … Read More
The young deaf and hard-of-hearing people of Levi’s Nek have a ritual: to gather around the fire every evening, a convivial moment to warm up in winter, and even sometimes throughout the year, as the nights in this mountainous region … Read More