Training on growing beds in the Yagma garden with local women, Burkina Faso

For the women who have a large enough plot of land to start production in the open ground, the fourth day of training was devoted to the creation of growing beds.

19 women attended this session. Using the Yagma garden as a model, we emphasised the importance of organising the space well with well-proportioned beds and well-squared paths to facilitate the maintenance of the garden. The women were made aware of the technique of cultivation in lasagne with alternating nitrogenous and carbonous materials (manure, compost, dead leaves, fresh leaves). The beds will be ready for cultivation within 15 days. Indeed, the first stage of decomposition of these materials leads to a rise in temperature during the first few days, which can be detrimental to the growth of the plants and seedlings. It was recommended that the women proceed with the development of their plots in the open ground and above ground during the following week so that the garden facilitators who had planned to visit the houses could appreciate the achievements.

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