In this section you will find useful resources to create new activities, find inspiration or just admire the beauty of Nature.

Training on growing beds in the Yagma garden with local women, Burkina Faso

For the women who have a large enough plot of land to start production in the open ground, the fourth day of training was devoted to the creation of growing beds. 19 women attended this session. Using the Yagma garden … Read More

Halloween land art activity

The fall season is now here at the Traversine and with it its lot of colors: yellow, orange, red, brown… It’s the opportunity to organize a land art activity with the children using the leaves of the yard. With Halloween … Read More

La Traversine From the sky!

The garden of La Traversine seen from the sky! On this 300m2 terrace on the roof of the Bercy nursery school, Designing Hope has set up an educational garden as part of the Parisculteurs project. This film offers a great … Read More

Making off of the Traversine garden

This film presents the setting up of the Traversine garden by Designing Hope on the terrace of the Bercy school. A winning project of the Pariscultuers competition, launched by the city of Paris in 2016. it allow to know all … Read More

Green Bronx Machine

“Green Bronx Machine builds healthy, equitable, and resilient communities through inspired education, local food systems, and 21st Century workforce development. Dedicated to cultivating minds and harvesting hope, our school-based model using urban agriculture aligned to key school performance indicators grows … Read More

Mandela’s Garden

“Nelson Mandela Once Said His Garden in Prison Gave Him Small Taste of Freedom” While Nelson Mandela was a prisoner in South Africa, he spent hours every day gardening. He grew vegetables, often in oil drums cut in half. At … Read More

Artworks using plants and vegetables

Over the centuries, the vegetable garden has been a source of inspiration for many artists. Below an overview of different approaches:paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo using fruits and vegetables to create portraits in the 16th century, photographs of Karl Blossfeldt from the … Read More

Moringa Oleifera

Plant with many virtues, it has great nutritional values. Moringa leaves are richer in vitamins, minerals and protein than most vegetables. In addition it contains twice as much calcium and protein as milk, vitamins C as oranges, as much potassium … Read More

Polyfaces Farm, an inovative farm in the US

  ‘Polyfaces’ is an exciting upcoming documentary that features one of the world’s best farms in action. It reveals how the Salatin family and their team are healing the land, regenerating the local economy, inspiring people all around the world, and … Read More