Creation of art installations and sculptures using recycled materials, offer a wide panel of interesting activities to organize with children. Below some examples of artistic work on the theme of nature.

  • Below is a selection of articles published in this category:

Assembling the trays for the Traversine Bercy terrace

It’s assembly time ! Once all the materials have been reassembled on the roof, installation can begin. The Douglas fir boards have been pre-cut to size according to the new garden plans. Once the boards have been screwed in place, … Read More

Rehabilitation of the cultivation trays at la Traversine Bercy, Paris

It is autumn, it is time to enrich and to refill the tubs of the mandala and the Keyhole of the garden of the Traversine Bercy in order to prepare the tubs to welcome new cultures. The bins have been … Read More

Installation of structures at the school in Rufisque, Senegal

The metalworker has finished making all the structures for the roof terrace garden at the school in Rufisque. The children, enthusiastic, participated in the installation of the plastic containers, which, once filled with soil and compost, will soon welcome new … Read More

The Grand Potager’s raised mounds

At the Grand Potager on the Domain of Fontenille, we tried out a raised mound technique, connected by a teepee giving inclined support to climbing beans and marrows, thanks to a weaving which was handmade with ropes. This green cover … Read More

Drilling at St Paul’s school, Lesotho

With the support of The Ivory Foundation, drilling was organised last February 2021 at St Paul’s school. A relief for the St Paul’s farm and school, which faces water shortages every year. Water network cuts are regular during the dry … Read More

Insect house making workshop in Lauris, France

Every wednesday at the Grand Potager in Fontenille children are offered a creative workshop. This week an insect house making workshop took place, which was an opportunity to children and their parents around a do-it-yourself activity under the sun ! … Read More

First cabins at Malanti’s garden, Eswatini

The construction of little cabins has just started. These cabins are the result of a local and sustainable economy: they have been made using wood from local forest production and have been assembled by a company located near the center. … Read More

The garden of Saint Monica, Lesotho

The 6 young deaf and hard of hearing people manage the Saint Monica Educational Farm in Leribe, Lesotho, funded by The Ivory Foundation in 2019. Within a year they have structured a wasteland into a fertile and productive plot of … Read More

Construction of bird boxes

In order to welcome even more birds in the garden, new nesting boxes had to be built. So the children got involved: one nail here, another there and here are two brand new houses for our friends the birds! Our … Read More

Garden preparation with the children in Yagma, Burkina Faso

In the agroforestry garden at the Yagma school on the outskirts of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, students are involved in its maintenance. Indeed, they prepare cultivation beds that will contribute to the improvement of their daily meals. This garden, set … Read More

Bourel Garden in Dawady, Senegal

Dawady’s farm school is located 60km from Tambacounda in Eastern Senegal, with the local expertise of Am Be Khoun and the financial support of The Ivory foundation and ULB cooperation. After its establishment, The Ivory Foundation commissioned Am Be Khoun, … Read More

Making off of the Traversine garden

This film presents the setting up of the Traversine garden by Designing Hope on the terrace of the Bercy school. A winning project of the Pariscultuers competition, launched by the city of Paris in 2016. it allow to know all … Read More

Making a Keyhole at the Grand Potager – Lauris

Making and filling a Keyhole. The Keyhole is a keyhole-shaped vegetable garden consisting of a central compost bin surrounded by raised beds. The Keyhole produces a large number of vegetables in a limited area, benefiting from the slow diffusion of … Read More