Feeding 370 children with permaculture garden in Swaziland

Since 2012, Designing Hope develops permaculture garden in Southern Africa, to help population becoming self sufficient. This video presents a garden in the isolated village of Bulembu, hosting an orphanage. This garden, developed by a team of 6 women trained by Designing Hope, is a real success.

The quantity of vegetables produced is impressive compared to the garden that was there before. This was possible thanks to:

-the cultivation on naturally enriched raised beds improving the soil quality,
-the cultivation on close rows, preventing evaporation and saving water.

This was done using organic seeds, with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

It also has an impact on local populations who are eager to experiment these techniques.


Seeds have been offered by our partner Agrosemens. This project was funded with the support of The Ivory Foundation.

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