La Traversine – Construction of the Keyhole

The Key Hole is a traditional vegetable garden system used for small areas, especially in Africa.
Often conceived in stones, a light version has been made for the terrace of the garden “LaTraversine”.

The Key Hole of La Traversine takes up the general principle of this vegetable garden :

-A compost well, located in the center, which will host the organic waste of the canteen (mainling peelings of fruits and vegetables)
-Growing beds located around the composter, which benefit from the nutrient supply of the central composter
-The garden is shaped as a keyhole. A notch is cut into a round garden bed. The notch makes for easy access to the center compost well.

The realization of a garden on terrace needs limits of weight to m2 to guarantee the safety of the building.
Thus, to limit the mass of the soil, we realized a compartment under the key hole, which we filled with some branches of dead wood, and bark. This keeps the advantage of an enhanced cultivation, which makes it possible to cultivate without effort, but by limiting the height of the soil. Dead wood is also a refuge for insects in the garden.

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