The first step in the launch of the Koudougou garden is the preparation of the compost beds.
Two trenches 7m long and 1m wide, 20cm deep were dug.
The first trench is used for the creation of the compost bed, and the second for turning the compost pile.
The following materials were collected locally in preparation for the compost:
10 tons of cow manure, 2 large bags of feathers, 2 green leaf carts, 2 dry leaf carts, 10 straw carts, 2 ash bags, 2 bags of chicken manure.
The APAF team also provided crushed beef horns, phosphate, and bone powder.
Incorporation of these elements occurs in successive layers, alternating the carbonaceous and nitrogenous materials to increase the temperature of the compost and to accelerate its maturation. It takes 45 days for the process to end, with 2 turnings of the compost pile every 15 days.
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