Extension of the Garden of Skills

posted in: Malanti Garden

The Designing Hope association and its local partner Fundzisa Live approached the community of Malanti about extending the Garden of Skills to invite women from the community to set up individual plots. The community responded favourably to this request, and a 4,000 m2 strip was added to the garden. Designing Hope financed the fencing, the installation of an additional 10m3 water tank, and the supply of compost and biochar to enrich the plots. 12 women have already joined the project, and the garden’s capacity will enable this number to double in the medium term. This is a major opportunity for them. Roving animals (cows, goats, etc.) prevent many households from having their own vegetable garden, as the cost of installing a fence is prohibitive. Access to the Garden of Skills nursery to prepare the seedlings and the presence of a team to advise and supervise them are major assets to the success of the project. The women are encouraged to grow a wide variety of vegetables on their plots, to provide a regular and diversified food supplement for the women and their families.

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