Observing Nature can be a great source of inspiration for artistic creations.
Seeds, leaves, plants can be used in many ways, cut, glued, assembled or carved
Below are some examples of artistic activities experienced on Transgardens projects.

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Future set-in-nature theatre is underway at the Traversine Villiot garden

The Traversine garden will soon host a mini set-in-nature theatre ! First step: cutting out and colouring the paper templates that will bring to life all the stories that the children made up. Fairies, boares, feathers, pumpkin houses, she-warriors… that … Read More

Paint on vegetal stamps by the Bercy nursery school’s students

The Bercy nursery school students took part in an unusual painting activity. After drawing branches on paper sheets, they got to decorate them with multicolored fruits, by using lemons, bell peppers, zucchinis, onions, celery and artichoke leaves as stamps to … Read More

Land art activity at the Grand Potager

Track game at the Grand Potager series 3/5 Third step of the discovery day at the Grand Potager: land art ! This artform consists in using materials from nature for esthetics purposes. The children had the opportunity to create their … Read More

Collages with natural materials

La Traversine is full of inspiring natural elements for craft activities! The children went there to collect leaves and sticks of different shapes and colors. Our little artists then assembled and glued them together to create people and animals. It … Read More

The chilli pepper Christmas tree of the Grand Potager

In the garden, winter has arrived with its first frosts. Our mandala was not spared, the sweet potatoes died out on a weekend, and the chilies that kept them company did not survive either… What to do with all the … Read More

Vegetables stamps at Laafi, in Burkina Faso

The children of Laafi kindergarten in Koudougou conducted a plant buffer workshop proposed by Transgardens. Vegetable ends, having an interesting shape, are used as buffers for drawing with paint. The children were very impressed by the shapes and designs obtained …

frieze, tin cans and flowerpots

This is the last step of the tin cans decoration workshop! After designinig black and white friezes inspired from traditional patterns from several African countries, after having them colored by the children of Bercy, we printed them on a water-resistant … Read More

recycling cans from the canteen

The cans of the canteen were collected and painted in dark green. Filled up to 10cm of clay balls, at which level a hole was also drilled to form an overflow, they were filled with soil and biochar, and use … Read More

Drawings with the children of Macambeni

The children of the Macambeni center made drawings for the children of the Bercy preschool , as part of the “communicating classes” program, creating exchanges between educational gardens.   These drawings will be given to the children of the Bercy … Read More

Artistic herbarium

As an activity this week in Roosboom the children made a herbarium by drying leaves of different plants and then decorated homemade frames (cardboard and transparent sheet) with paint.  

Creating a Memory game

This afternoon at Roosboom children have created a Memory game on the theme of garden vegetables. This activity allow children to develop their creativity while providing them source of entertainment, and improving their memory and their knowledge of vegetables. EnregistrerEnregistrer