Launching of “tracking game” at la Traversine garden

This week at the Traversine, the treasure hunt was happily inaugurated by the children. For about 1 hour, they  were able to discover the garden and its components (mandala, keyhole, wall, pergola of herbs etc. …) through a fun and educational course punctuated by games around the environment, agro-ecology and permaculture.

During their visit, the children are accompanied by the four Guardians of the Elements, Fuoc (Fire Guardian), Aura (Air Guardian), Terrà (Earth Guardian), Aïga (Water Guardian). These Guardians are an illustration of the fragile balance of the environment. In order to help the Guardians of Elements to restore this fragile balance, the children must go to meet them, become their friends and learn how to protect them.

A small booklet with all the instructions to follow is distributed to the children at the beginning of the treasure hunt. Also included in this booklet are several pages of games around the themes evoked in the garden. This booklet is free and the children can of course take it home if they wish.

Good aventure !

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