Making a mini-compost

During school time activities, we decided to make a mini-composter with the children of Bercy School.

For the production of our mini-compost, we needed different materials. We used as a container half of a plastic bottle.

Then for the filling of our mini-compost, we gathered moist soil, sand with small pebbles, earthworms as well as fruit and vegetable peelings.

The realization of our activity took place in several stages.

The first step consisting in filling our bottle with about 5 cm of moist soil, then 5 cm of sand and these small stones and put a layer of wet soil on 5 cm in height.

The “layers” step was completed.

We then poured our vegetable and fruit peelings on our last layer of moist earth, that will play the role of “pantry” for the earthworms…

And finally we put our earthworms in their temporary habitat!

After making our mini-compost, we covered our bottle with a trash bag to protect our worms from light.

We also made small holes on our lid (made with the rest of the trash bag), to give them the necessary oxygen.

Our Mini compost is ready!

After two weeks of rest to allow our earthworms to do their work, we have seen a reduction, even a disappearance of our waste, digested by our earthworms.

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