The Ivory Foundation supports the mobile team set up by the Le Kaicedrat association to visit the 20 villages within a 20km radius of Dawady, in eastern Senegal, and provide support for pregnant women and
young children in these villages.
We entrusted Aly, the nurse in charge of monitoring the 20 villages, and Malik and Abdourahmane, the Dawady farm’s crop managers, with a mission to study which villages could be helped to set up or strengthen a market-gardening perimeter.
These villages are extremely isolated, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a rare commodity, especially during the dry season. Only half of the 20 villages can envisage a market-gardening project. These are the
villages with a sufficient water supply, some of which produce too little water to cover watering needs in addition to human and livestock needs. Four priority villages have been identified: Boulèl, Wouro Hama, Gourel Diamyel and Senthiou Toumany. The village of Wouro Hama received rolls of wire mesh, angle-iron posts, wire, metal gates, watering cans and cement to set up a market-gardening perimeter.
With the support of Agrosemenses and the Fondation Marie-Pierre Crosnier Mangeat
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